Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Its a strange twist of fate. With the Americans and British who visit third-world countries like India becoming sick with hygeine related disorders, you'd think that they have much higher standards at home. Yet, they wipe shall I put this...they wipe their behinds with paper instead of washing it with water like we do. I guess it has something to do with the colder climate in their part of the world. But with all that they've accomplished, how difficult can it be to have a running supply of warm water in the loo? Its already there for washing hands, right?

The reason I am discussing this is simple. I don't know how I am going to condition myself to use toilet paper. On the whole, the idea absolutely disgusts me, but I am left with no choice. Oh well! As they say, "When in Rome..." Still makes me feel icky though.


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