Monday, July 19, 2004

Heard this?? Hutch (a cellular provider in Delhi) is actually going to launch Push-to-talk in India!! In fact, I saw an advert for it the other day. Basically, what the service provides is a walkie-talkie like functionality where you push a button to talk to somebody who you've already previously set up for the service. This service was first launched by a provider called Nextel in the US, and at the time it was thought of as nothing but a cute toy. Lately, most providers all over the world have been discovering the potential of this service and have been trying to play catch up.
Back to Hutch though, I don't know how they are going to price this yet, or whether it is going to be compatible with other providers. It would be great if they just used Nextel's pricing model as a reference. Basically, Nextel just charges a higher rental fee to people who want to set up push to talk with another Nextel subscriber. There are no extra charges for the airtime used. This I believe has earned them a lot of loyal customers.


Blogger Unknown said...

can be used as an alarm system...

4:32 PM, July 22, 2004  

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