Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Entertainment for the demented

In one of his books Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) said that we're all stupid some of the time. But I have to question that, because I know some people who are probably stupid all of the time. You encounter these people on the street, in everyday life, and sometimes on the Internet. The reason I'm writing this is because I discovered this while browsing for free audio books on the web. Apparently, the only way the creaters of AudioBooksForFree.com ("the No1 UK online mp3 audio book publishers") can think of making peace with terrorists is by selling an MP3 player that looks like (and fits into the slot of) an AK47 magazine!! Way to go Einstein!

Incidentally, the guy promoting this hair-brained piece of crap is a "ex-rock-star". What the hell does that mean anyway?? I mean, did he get bored of being a rock star? Did he just get up one day and decide that he was bored with rock n roll, groupies, and drugs? Or maybe the reason he gave it up was because he decided it was time he made a contribution to world piece by selling a shitty gun magazine shaped MP3 player. Seriously, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. On the plus side though, they advertise the product just like most American companies (even though this one, presumably, is Brit) do, by showing you a half naked woman who's got nothing to do with the product.

Right now, I can half imagine some stupid urban yuppies actually buying this player, and then buying a kalashnikov to put it into. Believe me, there are people like that out there! The next version of the damn thing will probably even have the capability to hold bullets. So that the user can kill people on the street while listening to a Megadeath MP3! Go shitheads!


Blogger Unknown said...

chachu needs a PS2 shaped mp3. that will make him happy...

3:07 AM, September 08, 2004  
Blogger Arun said...

Yeah, but at least she's got the decency to be half-naked and hot. What excuse does the weirdo who invented this POS have??!?

10:43 AM, September 10, 2004  

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