Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Right to be Obnoxious

I am not particularly proud of the fact that my country (India) tolerates, and in fact, sometimes actively encourages all sorts of corruption and free-loading. From the corrupt government servant milking the public for services that he gets paid to perform, to the beggar on the street asking for alms only because he'd rather not do an honest days work, things have now come to a head. A lot of this is the fault of the citizens of this country. We pay the beggers and turn it into a lucrative business, and instead of getting together and protesting (no point going to a snail-paced judiciary), we prefer paying up and becoming whores to system. Yet, despite all this, we harbour dreams of turning this country into a power of some reckoning.

Sometimes though, this whole charade will go so far that I will pull back in revulsion and suddenly be faced with what this country has come to. It is one of these revolting incidents that I wanted to bring to light here. Apparently, eunuchs, who've gotten used to getting money for free from the public have now begun considering it their right to harass people of all ages in all places. Now, they want to be able to enter public monuments with the express intent of collecting money!! You can read more about it here. All I can say is, at least they're honest in their dishonesty. I am so overwhelmed with disgust right now that I can't write anymore, so I'll end here.


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