Tuesday, January 25, 2005

To be a Republic

For those of you not aware of the significance of this day, today is India's republic day. It is the day that the Indian Union first began using its current constituation. The other day, a friend and I got into a conversation about whether or not the quality of life in India was better when the British still governed the country. I pointed out that conditions may be bad right now, but at least we can hold ourselves responsible for the state we are in, rather than some king ruling us from 6000 odd miles away. What's more, we can actually look forward to improving the situation (no matter how hard that may be) by taking things into our own hands.
That got me thinking about all the sacrifices this country and its people have made, and continue to make everyday, just so we can be a democratic republic, not JUST a free country. After all, China is a free country, and also a prosperous one. Except they don't get to choose their leaders, their representatives and by association, their laws. True, they have one of the fastest growing economies in the world but they still do not have true freedom of expression. One only has to take a look at the large list of failed democracies that have emerged from former Asian/African colonies to realise what a huge achievement it is for India to be where it is today.
So, my friend, if you are reading this, things are indeed better now than they were under the British. Our polity is flawed, and a lot of the stuff does not work. But there is also the fact that India's politics is dominated by leaders formerly considered low caste. We have managed to achieve that without having reserved seats in our legislatures. We've also managed reasonable economic growth after liberalisation. In my opinion, we've gotten way farther than the Americans got (and this is just an example) in the first 56 years of their republic. These are indeed reasons to celebrate. Happy republic day to all Indians!


Blogger sam said...

The Americans still have not had a woman president or a black president. We, on the other hand, can proudly say that our Republic has had a woman PM, and PMs and Presidents representing different minorities, the current heads of state being good examples.

9:18 AM, February 14, 2005  
Blogger Arun said...

My point exactly. There is indeed much to be proud of.

10:41 AM, February 14, 2005  

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